EPIC verification for GMC registration

EPIC verification for GMC registration
EPIC verification for GMC registration


EPIC verification for GMC registration
A pre-requisite to GMC registration for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) is the EPIC (Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials) verification of primary medical qualification (PMQ) by the ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates).

Who needs EPIC verification?

EPIC verification is needed by anyone with a PMQ awarded outside UK applying for GMC registration.

Please note: It is important to verify that your PMQ is recognised by the GMC as an acceptable qualification by checking on the GMC website. In case of any doubt, do not hesitate to contact GMC.

When do I need to get EPIC verification done?

The EPIC verification is an essential requirement for GMC registration but can be got done any time before that, even before appearing for PLAB2. Do make sure not to wait too long before getting it done as GMC closes registration applications within 90 days and the EPIC can take time to verify. It helps to get it done well in advance of applying for registration.

How do I get EPIC verification done?

  • Follow the following steps to apply for EPIC verification:

Step 1- Set up an online account (EPIC)

The first step is to establish an EPIC account on the ECFMG’s EPIC website. It involves filling up a request form that takes around 15 minutes to complete. It includes identity verification and providing certain information, so ensure that you have the following handy:

  • Colour photograph
  • Scanned, full colour copy of latest passport
  • Info on medical education, degree date
  • Medical license info

Once you complete and submit the form, expect to hear back from them via an email that contains instructions on completing EIF (EPIC Identification Form). It includes links to NotaryCam that video calls you to verify your identity and once done, EPIC provides you with a valid EIF certification and you can access your EPIC account for further steps.

Step 2- Upload documents to be verified

Once your account is set and active, you can upload the PMQ you wish to get verified. Do remember to select General Medical Council each time you upload a document to ensure that the GMC receives a report regarding verification of that particular document.

ECFMG will verify your documents from the issuing institution and submit its report to the GMC. You will also be intimated via email that the document has been sent.

Step 3- Check status of verification

You can check the status of your document verification online. Once the PMQ has been verified, the ECFMG will not only send the report to the GMC but will also intimate you of the same and you can proceed to the next step.

Step 4- Apply for GMC registration and provide your EPIC ID

You can apply for GMC registration once your PMQ has been sent for verification but you may want to wait till you are intimated that it has been verified as the verification may take time and GMC keeps registration applications open only for 90 days at the maximum.

To know what all you need to apply for GMC registration, make sure to read All you need to know about GMC registration after PLAB2

How much does it cost to get EPIC verification done?

The fee to get EPIC verification varies according to the number of documents needed to be verified and also on dollar conversion rate of your currency as the fee is in USD.

The cost for most availed services:

Account setting & identity verification- US$ 130

Credential verification- US$ 100 per credential

Optional courier fee- US$15 (within US)

                              -US $ 30(outside US)

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  • By Anna Smith|25/10/2019

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  • By Anna Smith|25/10/2019

    Cursus tellus quis magna porta adipiscin

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